American Gateways

place Austin, Texas, USA


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To champion the dignity and human rights of immigrants, refugees and survivors of persecution, torture, conflict and human trafficking through exceptional immigration legal services at no or low cost, education and advocacy.

What We Do

American Gateways has served the Central Texas immigrant community since 1987. Founded as the Political Asylum Project of Austin (PAPA), we began as a dedicated group of volunteers working to serve increasing number of refugees fleeing war in Central America. Since then we have grown to provide a broad range of immigration legal services to low-income individuals and families in Austin, San Antonio, Waco, and throughout Central Texas. In addition to the cities of Austin, San Antonio, and Waco, we serve twenty-three counties in the region. American Gateways provides legal orientation, immigration workshops, and pro bono legal representation at three immigrant detention facilities.


Rebecca L.
Executive Director
Rosalinda H.
Grants and Operations Manager
Lora P.
Director of Development